Tutors in Somersby, NSW

Maylen profile photo

Maylen - 26yrs

room_outlined East Gosford
With eight years of taking care of children experience under my belt, I'm all about being friendly, sensitive, and flexible. Growing up with a younger brother and sister gave me a crash course in sibling...expand_more

Savannah - 27yrs

room_outlined Ourimbah
“We change the world one person at a time” is my favourite saying. In my life I have witnessed my siblings education get left behind, a lack of duty of care and compassion towards them simply because they...expand_more

Tiarn - 22yrs

room_outlined East Gosford
I’m currently working two jobs, starting Uni soon, I topped in investigating science but I would be suitable in teaching primary school maths. I love children and I have babysat previously....

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