Babysitters in Teven, NSW

Lisa profile photo

Lisa - 59yrs

(96 jobs )
room_outlined Wollongbar
Hi there, I'm an experienced nanny and babysiitter, (and Mum). I have worked in a local school coordinating their After School Care program, and as a Boarding Supervisor...and have Senior First Aid,...expand_more
Lula profile photo

Lula - 31yrs

room_outlined Lennox Head
Hello families, I'm Lula, I'm 30 years old, I'm from Spain and I'm a kindergarten and primary school teacher. I have a lot of experience with children, for me they are the luck of the world and I can assure...expand_more
Trish profile photo

Trish - 65yrs

room_outlined Lennox Head
I am a mature, trustworthy, caring professional with plenty of experience as a mother and primary school teacher. I have a current WWCC, First aid certificate, Driver's licence (& about 20 other certificates...expand_more
Taylor profile photo

Taylor - 25yrs

room_outlined Ballina
Hi! I grew up with my family in the local area and have 4 years experience working as a Paediatric Occupational Therapist, meaning I have the opportunity to support children’s well-being every single day at...expand_more
Verónica profile photo

Verónica - 35yrs

room_outlined Lennox Head
Hi all! I arrived Australia in August 2019 from Argentina were I am from. I grew up in a big family surrounded by kids in Buenos Aires. I am an OT With experience in childcare and disability. I’ve been working...expand_more

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We understand that parenthood is a constant juggle – we’ve been doing it since 2014! Juggle Street connects busy parents like you with trusted local babysitters in your neighbourhood. Join Juggle Street, find babysitters nearby and post a job in minutes!

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