Tutors in Botany, NSW

There are 500+ childcare educators in-and-around Botany - 59 jobs totalling 2,176 hours have been completed.

Naoise profile photo

Naoise - 31yrs

(3 jobs )
room_outlined Botany
Hi everyone, my name is Naoise (“Neesha”), I’m a primary school teacher from Ireland. I am currently working in the Joseph Varga School so only free for babysitting and tutoring services. I have always loved...expand_more
Olivia profile photo

Olivia - 25yrs

room_outlined Botany
Hi Mums and Dads, I've been a Primary School Teacher for 4 years and I have also worked in a childcare centre for 4 years prior to teaching. I'm great with kids and have lots of experience working with kids...expand_more
Eva profile photo

Eva - 28yrs

room_outlined Botany
Hi! I’m a primary school teacher from Ireland with years of experience working with children of a range of ages.In my summers off I’ve worked in summer camps for children as well as caring for children with...expand_more
Lady Theophane profile photo

Lady Theophane - 27yrs

room_outlined Mascot
Hello, dear families! 😊 In my home country, the Philippines, I graduated Bachelor of Secondary Education Major in English, and took units on Master of Arts in Education Major in English. I am a licensed professional...expand_more
Annamaria profile photo

Annamaria - 25yrs

room_outlined Botany
Hi everyone, I’m a primary school teacher working in Sydney with 3 years of experience. I’ve grew up on a family run business that involved entertaining children on a daily basis. I’ve worked with children...expand_more

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