For Business

On-boarding new childcare staff

Creating a positive culture at your childcare centre or babysitting agency begins with onboarding of new staff. Childcare staff who have a positive onboarding experience are more likely to be happier while at work.


Creating a positive culture at your childcare centre or babysitting agency begins with onboarding of new staff. Childcare staff who have a positive onboarding experience are more likely to be happier while at work. There are many ways directors or administrators of childcare centres can encourage new teachers to feel connected with existing staff and equipped to take on their new role.

Share your employee handbook

The sooner you share your employee handbook with new teachers, the more time they'll have to learn what they need to know before they begin work. In your handbook, you should provide information on your organisation's mission and structure, rules and regulations, any employee benefits, general expectations of staff, attendance, health and safety policies, planning procedures, and opportunities for professional development.

It's also important you advise staff that you're on hand to answer any questions or concerns before they begin work.

Hold an orientation day

If you have several new staff joining at once, such as with nanny recruitment, an orientation day can be a great way of going over your employee handbook together, and of getting your new team excited about working with you. During the orientation, you could share information about your organisation's history and style of teaching, or even offer real-life stories of interactions between staff, children and families. Team-building activities, such as icebreakers, can help staff get to know each other and build a great rapport.

Offer a tour

Taking new staff on a tour of your facility will ensure they know their way around before they start work. During the tour, make sure you point out the emergency procedures and exits, any cleaning protocols, the daily schedule, procedures for drop-off and pick-up, and parking information.

Create a shadow program or employ an "observation" period

Ease your new staff into the role by having them shadow another teacher or observe proceedings for the day. You could also hold a session at the end of the day for staff to share what they learned or to raise any questions they might have.

Welcome new staff

Creating positive connections from the beginning of your OOSH recruitment is crucial to a great onboarding experience. Why not plan a welcome gathering and invite all your staff? You could host a picnic, barbecue or team gathering to really help your employees get to know each other.

Assign buddies

Your existing staff can really help your new recruits ease in to the role, which will lighten your load and ensure your new teachers that the rest of the team is there to support them. It's important to connect new staff with experienced teachers who will be ready to assist with any questions of concerns.

Check in

In the first few months after hiring a new staff member, make sure you meet with them regularly to offer support and guidance. During these check-ins, get an idea of what's going well for them and what they're finding challenging. Note any areas of improvement and identify any ways you might be able to continue to support their growth.