For Parents

How to Provide a Helpful & Comprehensive Brief to Your New Nanny

Hiring a new nanny doesn't need to be a daunting task. Ensuring they are well-prepared to care for your children requires providing a thorough and thoughtful brief. A comprehensive brief not only sets expectations but also helps the nanny to integrate smoothly into your household.

Hiring a new nanny doesn't need to be a daunting task. Ensuring they are well-prepared to care for your children requires providing a thorough and thoughtful brief. A comprehensive brief not only sets expectations but also helps the nanny to integrate smoothly into your household, ensuring a harmonious and efficient working relationship. Here are the key components of a helpful and comprehensive brief for your new nanny.

Introduction to the Family

Start with an introduction to your family. Include the names and ages of your children, as well as any relevant personality traits or interests. This helps the nanny to begin forming a bond with your children right from the start. Arrange for the nanny to meet the family before they begin working. This meeting allows everyone to get acquainted and helps the nanny to understand the family dynamics and environment.

Daily Routine

Outline the typical daily schedule. This should include wake-up times, meal times, nap schedules, and bedtimes. Providing a detailed routine helps the nanny to maintain consistency, which is crucial for young children.


“Emily and Jack wake up at 7:00 AM. Breakfast is at 7:30 AM, followed by playtime. Emily has school from 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM, while Jack takes a nap from 1:00 PM to 3:00 PM. Lunch is at 12:30 PM. Bedtime for both is at 7:30 PM.”

Meals and Dietary Preferences

Detail your children's dietary preferences, allergies, and any specific meal requirements. Include favorite foods, as well as those they dislike. If your children have any allergies, this section is especially crucial.


“Emily is a picky eater and prefers simple foods like pasta, chicken nuggets, and carrots. Jack has a peanut allergy, so please avoid any products containing peanuts. We usually have healthy snacks like fruit and yogurt available.”

House Rules and Discipline

Explain your household rules and your approach to discipline. Consistency in enforcing rules and discipline strategies will help your nanny manage behavior effectively.


“We have a no-screen policy during weekdays. The kids can watch TV for one hour on weekends. We use time-outs as a form of discipline and do not allow shouting or hitting.”

Emergency Information

Provide comprehensive emergency contact information, including phone numbers for both parents, close relatives, your pediatrician, and local emergency services. Also, explain your home’s safety features, such as fire extinguishers and first-aid kits.

Health and Medical Needs

If your children have any specific medical needs or medications, provide clear instructions. Include information about any regular medications, dosages, and schedules, as well as what to do in case of minor injuries or illnesses. Let the nanny know where you keep your first aid supplies such as band-aids and antiseptic cream.

Activities and Outings

List approved activities and outings. This might include local parks, playgroups, and any regular extracurricular activities. Provide any necessary membership cards or passes, and explain your expectations for outings.

Communication Preferences

Specify how you would like the nanny to communicate with you during the day. This includes updates on the children’s activities, any issues that arise, and general check-ins.

Household Duties

Clarify any additional household responsibilities you expect from the nanny. This could include light housekeeping, meal preparation, or laundry related to the children. Being clear about these expectations can prevent misunderstandings.


“We’d appreciate it if you could help with the kids’ laundry once a week and tidy up the play area at the end of the day. Meal prep is mainly for the kids’ lunches and snacks.”

Compensation and Schedule

Clearly outline the nanny’s work schedule, including start and end times, days off, and any expected overtime. Also, confirm the agreed-upon compensation and payment schedule.


“Your hours will be Monday to Friday, 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM. We’ll pay you $x per hour, and you’ll receive payment weekly. Any additional hours will be compensated at the same rate.”

Household Rules and Privacy

Explain any household rules that apply to the nanny, such as use of personal devices, visitors, and privacy expectations. Ensuring mutual respect and understanding of these rules is important for a positive working relationship.


“We ask that you limit personal phone use during work hours. Please do not invite any visitors without prior approval. Feel free to use the guest bathroom and the kitchen.”

Cultural and Religious Practices

If your family follows certain cultural or religious practices, it’s important to share these with your nanny. This helps them understand and respect your family’s values and participate appropriately in any related activities.

Use of Personal Vehicle

If the nanny will be using their personal vehicle to transport your children, outline the reimbursement policy for petrol, tolls, and other related expenses. This ensures transparency and fairness regarding transportation costs.


“If you will be driving the children using your own car, we will reimburse you for petrol and toll expenses. Please keep a log of your mileage and any toll receipts, and we will compensate you accordingly at the end of each week.”

Feedback and Review Process

Establish a process for providing and receiving feedback. Regular check-ins can help address any concerns and ensure that both parties are satisfied with the arrangement.


“We’ll have a quick check-in meeting every Friday to discuss how the week went and address any concerns. We believe in open communication and appreciate your feedback as well.”

Providing a helpful and comprehensive brief to your new nanny is essential for ensuring a smooth transition and fostering a positive relationship. By covering all necessary details—from daily routines and emergency information to household rules and communication preferences—you equip your nanny with the knowledge and tools they need to provide the best care for your children. A well-prepared nanny is a confident and effective one, and taking the time to create a thorough brief can make all the difference in your family's childcare experience.