Children's Activities Child Development For Parents

How Learning an Instrument Benefits Your Child

Being exposed to music (especially learning an instrument) has nearly countless benefits for growing children. When your child actively participates in music lessons, here are some of the key benefits they will gain.


Being exposed to music (especially learning an instrument) has nearly countless benefits for growing children. When your child actively participates in music lessons, here are some of the key benefits they will gain.

#1 Responsibility

Instruments require regular maintenance to keep them looking and sounding perfect. This gives kids a good taste of responsibility. They also learn to be responsible in following a practice schedule, whether at home or with a music tutor.

#2 Enhanced reading skills

In music lessons, the first thing children learn is how to read music. This requires them to correctly identify notes and replicate it on their instrument. Reading music increases their comprehension and ability to focus, as well. As their skills improve, they will read and play fluidly.

#3 Improves math skills

You undoubtedly know of the artistic and creative benefits of learning an instrument. Music also promotes better math skills. It develops their problem solving and critical thinking skills. Holding strong parallels to math, kids learn to understand beats, count, play within the rhythm and listen to scales. All of these are measured with numbers. With most instruments, correct timing is vital, to make the right sounds and play within the tempo. An instrument is an enjoyable way to learn what many consider a dry subject.

#4 Enhances memory

It’s never too early to increase your memory capacity. Instruments allow children to improve their long and short-term memory from a young age. They learn to create, store and retrieve memories – it is a cognitive workout. When learning an instrument, your child has to learn which positions correspond with which notes, and much, much more.

#5 Patience

Playing an instrument requires perseverance. It can take months or even years of diligent practice to master an instrument. It also encourages them to set goals, and work hard to achieve them. A prime example of an instrument requiring patience is the violin. Your child must practice learning how to hold the bow correctly to produce a sound.

#6 Self-esteem boost

Learning an instrument allows your child to practice, listen to feedback, make improvements and see progress. As they continually improve, you will see their self-esteem and confidence soar. After receiving some feedback from their music tutor and striving to improve, they will feel happier and more able to take on challenges.

#7 Improved coordination

When playing an instrument, your brain has to work very efficiently and quickly. In addition, children must focus on reading music and converting this theory into sounds. As such, hand-eye coordination is greatly improved. And, with the repetition of practice, their overall coordination is enhanced.

#8 Fosters self-expression

Instruments give children a creative outlet and the ability to make their own choices. They are learning how to express themselves and to be more assertive. Music is also a fantastic way for kids to express emotions which they are reluctant to talk about. Learning an instrument allows kids to express themselves in a productive, wholesome fashion.